Bay 1; Mark & Janet sell mainly vintage tools, workbenches, vices, gardening tools, vices, hand planes and artwork. They also buy such items if you have any for sale please email pictures to us.
Bay 2; Frank sells all sorts of vintage items including dinky / matchbox toys, model trains, comics, magazines and vinyl / LP’s.
Bay 3; Tom & Heather sell all sorts of items including cast-plaques, bayonets, enamelware, tools, lighting, office furniture and farm salvage.
Bay 4; Another bay belonging to Tom & Heather. Did you know that Heather works at the Emporium every Friday and is an integral member of the team. She’s also great at valuations.
Bay 5; Annie sells wonderful artifacts from all over. If you’re looking for something quirky or unique for around the home then we’re sure she’ll have something to catch your eye.
Bay 6; Elmlath not only restore some amazing vintage / salvage finds…they also make pieces too! Wonderfully crafted cabinetry, bowls and utensils all made by hand.
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